Zoning Board of Appeals Administrative Minutes 5/20/09
ZBA Meeting Minutes

Date:  May 20, 2009
Administrative Meeting began at: 4:30pm

Members Present:  Robert Gauthier, Chair, Robert Lazzarini, Vice-Chair, Fred Chapman, Clerk, Cynthia Weber and Dean Amidon

Also present: Anne-Marie Enoch, Alternate

Robert Gauthier provided the Board with a copy of the ZBA Secretary’s job description that had been created by the Select Board, Peter Murkett and the previous secretary.

Robert also informed the Board of Maryellen Brown’s resignation as the current ZBA secretary; she informed R. Gauthier that she never intended to be the permanent ZBA secretary; she was only filling in until a permanent secretary could be found.  R. Gauthier has asked Melissa Noe to replace Maryellen.  Robert provided the Board with Melissa’s written response to the request to return as the Board’s secretary.

Robert Lazzarini commented on the job description that was distributed and stated that it should be indicated in it that the secretary should be present at the meetings in addition to the recording.

Robert Gauthier stated that he just wants someone in the position that is competent and can attend the hearings, he offered it to Melissa since she is in the Town Hall full time and is aware of going on with all of the town boards and can easily contact the Board members or other officials.  He noted that Melissa’s letter did offer to do the job at no additional salary as long as the hearings were held during the normal town hall hours as long as the Select Board (the authority she reports to) approves this.  Robert Gauthier stated they could try to advertise the position but thinks it might be difficult to find someone since it isn’t a money making position and their meetings are not a “regularly scheduled” meeting, they occur when an application is received.  Robert Gauthier checked with the Town Accountant to see what the secretary had been paid to attend hearings in 2008 and it was only $200.  It was noted that there are approximately 8-14 hearings held a year by the ZBA.

Robert Gauthier is going to check with the Select Board to make sure that they do not have any issues with Melissa performing the duties of the ZBA secretary especially when the meetings will be held during her normal town hall hours.

Robert Gauthier has asked Town Counsel for his opinion on meeting informally with the 40B applicants but as a posted meeting (not a hearing).  If Town Counsel’s opinion is favorable Robert Gauthier is also going to ask that Town Counsel be present at the meeting.

The hearing concluded at 4:51pm

Submitted by
Melissa Noe, ZBA Secretary